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High Noon Blend - A Blonde Coffee Blend

Regular price $24.99 USD
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High Noon Blend is a smooth and golden roast, as bright and bold as the sun at its peak over the prairie. This sweet blend from Central America and Africa makes for a rich, mellow espresso with just the right kick to keep you steady in the saddle. Whether you’re starting your day or need a midday boost, this brew is as reliable as a well-trained horse on the open range.

High Noon Honey Almond Iced Latte Coffee Recipe

A lightly sweet, nutty iced latte with the smooth brightness of blonde roast coffee.


  • 1 cup brewed and chilled High Noon Blend coffee
  • ½ cup almond milk (or dairy of choice)
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • Ice cubes
  • Sliced almonds & a drizzle of honey (for garnish)


  1. Brew High Noon Blend coffee and let it cool.
  2. Fill a glass with ice and pour in the chilled coffee.
  3. Stir in honey and vanilla extract until fully dissolved.
  4. Add almond milk and mix well.
  5. Garnish with sliced almonds and a drizzle of honey for extra sweetness.
  6. Sip and enjoy this smooth, naturally sweet iced latte.


High Noon Honey Almond Iced Latte: The Drink That Saved Valentine

Back in the days when the West was still wild, there wasn’t much that could slow a cowboy down—except the scorching heat of a Nebraska summer. The sun beat down so hard it could curl the tips of a steer’s horns, and even the toughest ranch hands found themselves dragging their boots through the dusty streets of Valentine, Nebraska.

One summer, hotter than a blacksmith’s forge, the folks of Valentine faced a crisis like no other. The heat had baked the land, the Platte River had run low, and even the horses looked ready to call it quits. The only thing keeping the town from collapsing under the weight of exhaustion was one man and one drink—Jedidiah "Sundown" Hayes and his legendary High Noon Honey Almond Iced Latte.

A Town on the Verge of Collapse

Now, Sundown Hayes wasn’t just any cowboy. He was the best ranch foreman for miles and had a reputation for being as steady as a mountain and as fast as a rattlesnake. But even a man like him couldn’t outride the relentless July sun.

One morning, as he rode into town, he saw a sight that shook him to his boots—toughened cowboys slumped over saloon porches, shopkeepers fanning themselves without energy to open their stores, and cattle barely lifting their heads from dry watering troughs. Even the old sheriff, "Silver" Tom McGraw, was leaning against a post, his hat tipped low, muttering about "the end of days."

Sundown knew one thing—if the town didn’t get its strength back, Valentine would be finished.

The Coffee That Brought the Town Back to Life

Sundown hitched his horse outside the town’s only café, strode in, and got to work. He ground up a fresh batch of High Noon Blend coffee, its blonde roast smooth as a prairie breeze. As the scent filled the air, folks started stirring, sniffing the promise of something strong enough to fight the heat.

He brewed the coffee hot, then poured it over ice, letting it cool as he reached into his saddlebag for a bottle of golden honey. He drizzled in a good helping, just enough sweetness to cut through the day’s misery, then added a splash of smooth almond milk, swirling it together until the drink gleamed like the gold rush itself.

For the finishing touch, he topped it off with sliced almonds and another drizzle of honey, giving it a bite as satisfying as the first breath of cool air after a long day in the saddle.

A Town Reborn

The first man to take a sip was Old Gus Callahan, a rancher so stubborn he’d once outlasted a dust storm by sheer force of will. He tilted his hat back, took a sip, and let out a deep, satisfied sigh.

Then came another sip. And another.

By the time he finished the glass, he stood up straighter, stretched his arms, and bellowed loud enough to wake the coyotes, "Well, I’ll be danged—that’ll put the fire back in a man’s soul!"

One by one, the townsfolk lined up, passing tin cups and Mason jars as Sundown poured glass after glass of his High Noon Honey Almond Iced Latte. Within the hour, the saloon doors were swinging, the general store was open, and the cattle were being led to greener pastures.

By sundown, Valentine had life back in its bones.

The Drink That Made History

From that day on, folks swore by the power of High Noon Honey Almond Iced Latte. Whenever the heat got unbearable, when the sun seemed set on burning everything to dust, a cold glass of Sundown’s legendary drink was all a cowboy needed to keep going.

And as for Sundown Hayes? Well, some say he rode off into the sunset that very night, his work done. Others claim he still wanders the plains, showing up whenever a town is in need of a little pick-me-up.

But one thing’s for sure—in Valentine, Nebraska, they never forgot the summer when a cowboy saved their town, not with a gun, but with the smoothest, coldest, most satisfying coffee the West had ever seen. 🤠☕🔥


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